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Global Sourcing Map - Primark Cares


Global Sourcing Map

Traceability in our supply chains is something we take seriously. At the moment we have full visibility for all the first-tier production sites that make our products. We’re now increasingly mapping our lower tier sites (that’s where our suppliers get their materials, for example fabric producers)

Traceability in our supply chains is something we take seriously. At the moment we have full visibility for all the first-tier production sites that make our products. We’re now increasingly mapping our lower tier sites (that’s where our suppliers get their materials, for example fabric producers)

As part of our drive to be open and honest, in 2018 we published our Global Sourcing Map. This shows our suppliers’ production sites, which produce 95% of Primark products for sale in our stores. A factory is added to the map once it has produced products for us for a year. During the first year of working with us a factory must demonstrate that it can consistently work to our ethical standards, as well as meet our commercial requirements in areas such as quality and timely delivery.

Each factory on the map includes the site address, number of workers and gender split. We review and update the information on the map once a year, although we may choose to remove a factory between formal updates if we’re no longer using it as a supplier.

Global Souring Map - Primark Cares

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